In the cherry blossom's shade, there's no such thing as a stranger... Issa

February 23, 2011

what i'm loving wednesday

YAY for Wednesday... we are that much closer to the Weekend!

I'm loving that I just purchased a plane ticket... I can't wait. My sweet Booges and I are going to visit my family in Denver.

I'm loving that a sweet lady at my brother's restaurant blessed my baby with $20
~my brother is a server at a {fancy} restaurant in Denver, and a lady came in by herself to have lunch. My brother started talking to her about having a baby family member out of town. When she left, she laid $20 on the table with a note that said, 'please see to it that this gets to your nephew'.

I'm loving that I bet all of The Man's high scores on Angry Birds.
I didn't understand the Angey Birds craze... until I downloaded it on the iPad... I'm Now Addicted.

What are you loving this week?
link up here and share.

Thanks for stopping by...

Peace and Love


  1. Hi!
    I just saw your blog over at Living Life and Loving it and thought I'd say hi! It's not very often that I see someone with the same name as me :-)

  2. How sweet of that lady at your brother's restaurant! :)

  3. That's a great random act of kindness!

    Happy Sunday!

  4. Hi Renae!

    I'm stopping by from Comment Love Sunday at FTLOB!

    How cool is it that some random person left $20 for your son! So nice of that lady!

    Have a great Sunday!

  5. OMGoodness my husband & I play crazy birds like they're going outta style :) Hahaha

  6. Visting from FTLOB - I really love your blog's background! So beautiful and peaceful. I'm staring out at the snow and naked trees in our backyard and your picture just made me imagine that spring sunshine on its way.

    What a wonderful story about the lady at your brother's restaurant. They should put a "warm fuzzies" section in the news for things like that - it seems like all we hear about are the negatives.
