In the cherry blossom's shade, there's no such thing as a stranger... Issa

February 12, 2011

I made it... and didn't think I would {it's was hard}

Hello Lovely Friends
Happy Saturday!

I have missed all of you.. my bloggy friends all week. The Man has been working on a paper for school and has lived behind our laptop for the last couple days. 
I'm so happy it's done!!
 (I had to finally help him)

Amongst all of Booges toys, these books have been scattered on the living room floor


As if becoming a Electrician isn't hard enough,
 you have to carry these books back and forth from home and school and home again everyday.
 Let me tell ya... They are HEAVY!
No wonder The Man always is saying his back hurts
(HA! I'm still not rubbing it.................. just kidding).
Helping him with his paper has taught me more about a 100 AMP Service and the requirements needed to get a permit to have it installed then I would like to know.

OK, you mean to tell me that there is more behind electricity then just plugging something in and knowing it going to work?
(I'm not that naive, but this stuff is more complex then I thought)
Being away from all of you this week was hard, but I made it!

Thanks for stopping by....

Peace and Love

1 comment:

  1. congrats on completing the paper together! enjoy the weekend * *
