In the cherry blossom's shade, there's no such thing as a stranger... Issa

April 7, 2011

I'm a winner!

Happy Friday Eve Sweet Friends!

So I was going to blog about how sad I was that my TOP American Idol pick was voted off tonight.

Pia was one of the best singers this season... and I'm so sad she's gone. I did/do have my favorites, but wanted her to win.

But when I logged on to cry you a river about it I found out I was a WINNER of a super cute hat.
Yes, I won my first give away, and I'M EXCITED!

Let me introduce you to The Rocketeer

How adorable is this little hat? VERY!!
You can fine this and many other at bitOwhimsy or read more about Jacy on her blog.

I can't wait to get it and try it on my sweet Booges!

Thanks for stopping by...

Peace and Love


  1. I was totally bummed about Pia going home!
    Congrats on winning the hat! I LOVE IT!! L--O-V-E IT! Your little man is going to look so adorable wearing it :-) Happy Friday!

  2. congrats on ur win :D that IS adorable * *

  3. Super cute hat! Very creative!!
    Stopping by from FTLOB!
    Have an awesome Sunday!!

